Please note our records are only partially complete so if you have any information relating to the club including photos we would love to hear from you! Please contact us at
Great War
There are fourteen known former members of the club that served in WWI:
R L Cair
G J Martin
F C Challis (KIA)
F Rogers
F Round
T L Stewart (KIA)
J Andrews (KIA)
H Johnson (KIA)
N Mason (KIA)
J H McLochlan
D McDonald
F J Whitehead
H H Curtis
C Gates
WW 2
Club member Cpl Charles John Muston (RAAF)'s parents donated a trophy in his name to the club after he died as a POW in Thailand on 13/7/43.
Club House construction
Congratulations to our club house on its 100th birthday!
Thanks to the Sandringham and District Historical Society ( for sourcing the following and other information:
Sandringham Southern Cross, Saturday 6 March 1915, page 6
Rifle Clubs.
A meeting of the Sandringham Rifle Club for the purpose of enrolling new members, was held at the Mechanics’ Institute on Wednesday, when Cr. B. J. Ferdinando [the first mayor of Sandringham, and a prior captain for 6 years of the club] occupied the chair, and there were about seventy persons present.
Captain Jewell (the club captain) explained what he had already done. Considerable difficulty had been experienced in obtaining rifles and ammunition. They had obtained twelve Martini-Enfield rifles and Mr. McLochlan had agreed to loan 500 rounds of ammunition. The club had been attached to No. 19 Union, and would be able to shoot at Port Melbourne. Some trouble was being experienced in getting a lease of a site adjoining the railway at Abbot street for a miniature range. He mentioned that the subscription had been fixed at 2/6, but he thought that next year they would be able to do without even that small amount, as the Government gave a capitation of 5/- for every efficient member.
The Chairman congratulated the club upon the progress they had made. He expressed regret that the Elwood rifle range was not available for practice.
Mr. O. R. Snowball, M.L.A. said he was delighted to see the practical determination shown by the members to become men. There was a danger of their virility and manhood being sapped by too much comfort and ease. They had been too long in the land of dreams. The calamity that had overtaken the world might be a blessing in disguise. They would be started upon a career of national life and growth that would carry them on for many generations. The old national spirit would be revived by the trials which they were now going through. The war had only really commenced. It was the duty of every citizen to fit himself not only for the possible danger of an enemy landing on these shores, but also for the enemy that was already in their midst. A rising might take place when the Allies suffered a temporary reverse, and they would be called upon to defend their homes. The rifle clubs provided a means for citizens to fit themselves. He regretted that the Defence Department had never looked with a kindly eye upon rifle clubs in the past. When the Act was framed provision was made for rifle clubs, as it was the desire of Parliament to keep alive the splendid spirit which enabled them to have such a fine system of volunteer service. That spirit had practically died out through the neglect of the authorities. The first need of a rifle club was ammunition. An enormous task had been set the Defence Department in the equipping of the forces, and that task was not realised by the ordinary citizen. The Department had undertaken, and carried out successfully, an almost superhuman task. At the request of the British Government they had supplied nearly all the cartridges for South Africa . (Loud applause.) Therefore, they should not condemn the authorities for any little deficiency in making supplies available for rifle clubs. He felt confident that the range at Elwood would shortly be available for practice. (Applause.) He had taken an active part in getting the range closed because of the danger to yachtsmen and people walking along the beach. The Defence Department at that time would not incur the expense of making it safe. It was to be regretted that the range was not made safe. He hoped that the Sandringham members would not have to travel even that far to get shooting for there was an idea site near Bluff road for a range, which would serve Cheltenham and Mordialloc as well. They should not rest until they got the Department to make the range. The present rages at Port Melbourne and Williamstown were not sufficient for the requirements of Melbourne. He also urged that they should push on with the miniature range.
The first official shoot of the club will take place at Port Melbourne on Saturday next, for which thirty members have signified their intention to take part.
Arrangements have also been made for instruction in drill on Monday evenings at the hall, Mr. Reeves being appointed drill instructor.
The committee desire that those members who signed the requisition form and have not yet been enrolled should do so without delay.
Brighton Southern Cross, Saturday 3 July 1915, page 4
The Sandringham District Rifle Club held a general meeting on Monday evening, 40 members being present, and Captain Jewel occupied the chair. On the recommendation of a sub-committee it was decided to adopt the Collingwood design for a miniature range, Messrs. Newbury and Sharpen to build same at an estimated cost of 100 pounds. Members are asked to contribute 1/- per week to the cost, and public subscriptions are also to be invited. Messrs. Weston and Reeves were elected life honorary members as a slight recognition of their services as drill instructors, both having done good work. The former has British Army experience, and the latter was for 23 years sergeant-instructor in the Indian Army. Several members undertook to pay 8 years’ membership in advance, which entitles them to become life members. The meeting was adjourned until 9th inst., when the matter of raising funds will be further considered.
The Argus, Monday 20 September 1915
Senator Pearce, Minister of Defence, officially opened a miniature rifle range, erected by the Sandringham Rifle Club, at Sandringham, on Saturday afternoon.
Historic refererences to office bearers
G. Jewell - Captain (1915 and 1918 at a minimum)
J. J. Talbot - President, C. Purdie, W. Hobson, G. Jewell, W. Boffey, P. Hoyles, B. Love, R. Gunn and B. Dorman - vice-presidents (The Argus, 15 September 1938)